Craft work

Craft work

Many of young people participating in the project are interested in arts and craft work. In our experimentation we worked a lot with paintings, drawings, collage making or other craft work. Story telling was also part of our experimentation. The artistic way of expressing was usually combined with discussion on various topics, such as the accessibility of higher education, strengths and fears, variability of learning methods and styles, etc. Our aim was to explore with young people different possibilities on how to communicate with their social environment. The traditional way of using the verbal communication might be stressful and not always possible for many people. Still, it is preferred manner of communication and it’s often seen as the only valuable source of information. Together with lecturers from university of applied science we tried to deconstruct this communication style and experiment with the alternative ways of communication also on the higher educational level. Training community educators in Humak means training professionals who work with young people. Part of the training is learning crafts and as well arts and culture-based methods. The point is that by using these methods we can give to the young people the opportunity to express themselves even in ways other than talking.

During the duration of the project, few of our young participants applied to higher education. The process of applying and exams was seen as stressful experience, during which young people questioned their abilities and choices many times. One of our participants wrote a short story in which he described his feelings during the whole period: from sending the application till obtaining a decision.
Other young person was thinking more broadly about the accessibility of higher education for young people with diverse life styles and experiences. Is the one unified system of higher education working for everyone? What if you are not a part of representation? What if you are young parent? What if you are overcome by your health situation? In the comic stripes done by Vera we can have a look at the realities of those people that goes often un-recognised by the higher education institutions and professionals working in them.