Crossed Interviews
Crossed Interviews

Crossed Interviews


At the beginning of the week, we met with the whole French team (To Have an Impact, DMZ, EHESP, IUT Rennes 1) in order to go back over our cross interviews. These interviews were carried out with the aim of highlighting areas for reflection. Based on different themes, this pooling allowed us to take stock of our progress in the project. Thus, we were able to exchange on:

  • What were our initial interests?
  • Findings/problems: how is informal knowledge valued in universities, what place is currently given to it?
  • How is the cooperation between the different structures (associations and universities)?
  • Between profession and involvement in the OUYE project, what is the reality?
  • During the experimentation, to what extent did we have the impression of putting ourselves in research and of putting forward the developed competences?
  • What are the effects of this project on our structures?

After having exchanged on these different subjects, we were able to bring out reflections to be deepened:

  • Our will is to defend minority cultures, to value the personal skills of each one and to legitimize them.
  • We wish to work more on the link between universities and associative structures with the implementation of a collaborative methodology
  • We question the temporal dimension by starting from two axes: how to slow down the rhythm of learning and how to combine the temporalities between the different actors?
  • We were able to question the accessibility of the Universities by asking ourselves about the appropriation of spaces: how to create spaces for expression and meeting? Is our goal to make the university more accessible or do we want to transform the university by reviewing the programs?
  • The question of the legitimacy, the confidence and the position of the associative structures in the research process was evoked with the highlighting of a certain apprehension / reticence: How can we dare to take hold of something which at first sight does not belong to us?
  • We want to set up a harmonization of the interventions with the different publics. Indeed, we have noticed a lack of encounter between different worlds. The question of the representations gravitating around the universities arises, causing difficulties in mobilizing the public (young people and academics)
  • An observation was made on the striking difference between the university block and that of local structures (academic research / transversal research): Unlike the associative structures, the academic level seems somewhat “frozen”.